

认真你就输了 认真你就输了
  • 二十四桥红药 二十四桥红药

    th** guy comes home from work one day to find h** dog with the nei**ors pet rabbit in h** mouth.the rabbit ** dead and the guy panics.he thinks the nei**ors are going to hate him forever,so he takes the dirty,chewed up rabbit into the house and gives it a bath,blow dries its fur and puts the rabbit back into the cage at the nei**ors house,hoping they will think it died of natural causes.
    a few days later,the nei**or ** outside and asks the guy,did you hear that fluffy died?the guy stammers and says,um.no.um.what happened?the nei**or replies,we just found him dead in h** cage one day,but the weird thing ** that the day after we buried him we went outside and someone had dug him up,g**e him a bath and put him back into the cage.there must be some real sick people out there!一天一个人下班回家,发现他的狗嘴里叼着邻居的宠物兔。兔子死了,这个人很惊慌。他想邻居一定会责备他的。于是他打扫了现场,把兔子拖进屋,给它洗了个澡,吹干兔毛。再把兔子放回邻居家的兔笼,希望他们以为兔子是自然死亡的。几天后,邻居在外面问这个人,“你知道fluffy死了吗?这个人觉得很尴尬,假装清白说到:“嗯,呃,没有,怎么了?邻居说,“我们有一天发现它死在笼子里了。但奇怪的是,在我们埋葬它的第二天,有人把它挖出来了,洗了个澡,又放回了它的笼子。这附近一定有一个很神经的人。




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