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    gta iv1.06/1.07版本:trainer.asi,trainer.ini,scripthook.dll 覆盖到gta iv游戏木有了
    gta iv 1.06之前版本:trainer.asi,trainer.ini,scripthook.dll-old patches(这个文件重命名为scripthook.dll)三个文件覆盖到游戏目录
    gtaiv+tlad as dlc:trainer.asi,trainer.ini,trainertlad.asi,trainertlad.ini,scripthook.dll into the gtaiv main directory(c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto iv on x86 windows versions,or c:\program files(x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto iv on x64 windows).
    gtaiv+tbogt as dlc:trainer.asi,trainer.ini,trainertbogt.asi,trainertbogt.ini,scripthook.dll into the gtaiv main directory(c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto iv on x86 windows versions,or c:\program files(x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto iv on x64 windows).
    gtaiv+tlad+tbogt as dlc:trainer.asi,trainer.ini,trainertlad.asi,trainertlad.ini,trainertbogt.asi,trainertbogt.ini,scripthook.dll into the gtaiv main directory(c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto iv on x86 windows versions,or c:\program files(x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto iv on x64 windows).
    eflc only:trainertlad.asi,trainertlad.ini,trainertbogt.asi,trainertbogt.ini,scripthook.dll in the eflc main directory(c:\program files\rockstar games\eflc on x86 windows versions,or c:\program files(x86)\rockstar games\eflc on x64 windows).
    gtaiv and eflc:trainer.asi,trainer.ini,scripthook.dll into the gtaiv main directory(c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto iv on x86 windows versions,or c:\program files(x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto iv on x64 windows).and trainertlad.asi,trainertlad.ini,trainertbogt.asi,trainertbogt.ini,scripthook.dll in the eflc main directory(c:\program files\rockstar games\eflc on x86 windows versions,or c:\program files(x86)\rockstar games\eflc on x64 windows).of course if iv ** lower than patch 6,use the scripthook.dll – old patches and rename to scripthook.dll




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