
小姐姐 小姐姐
  • 悠米 悠米

    my robot
    last night,i had a beautiful dream.i was very excited that a robot came into my home.i called her pink because she was wearing a pink dress.
    she did all my jobs around the house.she cleaned my house,mopped the floors,made my bed,cooked meals and dealt with my homework.whenever i asked
    her,she did everything that she could so well.she never complained about her physical problems and did not need days off.i was very glad that she serviced me all the time in a day.
    suddenly,my dear pink d**appeared.as i was crying,i found a ** with the following words:
    my dear friend,
    i am not a real girl.i was treated as if i h**e no fellings,but in fact i w**h to be free and play like a real girl,but in your house,i might feel i was regarded as a maid and not give any consideration like human being.
    i feel i was hurt…
    goodbye,my little master.
    oh,i’m very sorry for what i did before.pink,you are right.i should h**e treated you as my real friend.please remember that robot ** a member of human beings as well.




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