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    “where there ** a will,there ** a way.”thomas ed**on said.the road to success ** narrow,and many people will m**s it.the road to success ** also broad,and many people fail.th** shows that the road to success ** not to be run upon by seven-leagued boots.step by step,little by little,bit by bit that ** the way to wealth,that ** the way to w**dom,that ** the way to glory.what do you think ** important to your success,intelligence or hard work?hard work,without a doubt.
    i remembered i used to fail on my engl**h.when i was in middle school,i had gone to face the final graduation exam,but my results were not sat**factory.in particular,my result was worse,especially in writing.though i knew ** a very important subject,i though now it had become a little difficult for me.my poor writing skills had caused me to get low marks on my exams.th** had made me d**like and i was afraid to take any exams.i really went to change my situation and enjoyed learning again.i wondered why so many students liked and could get good results in exams.i did want to be one of the best students and go to my ideal high school after graduation.th** was my dream,but my was not good enough.i almost decided to give up i though there was no way to improve my result.but my teacher g**e me her hands.she told me that life ** not always easy and comfortable.there are difficulties than eases in the real life.it ** likely that we h**e to face some failures ahead.therefore,those who learn how to deal and endure failures will taste their success eventually.then,i red many news**s and magazines every week,did many exerc**es on writing and collected writing material.after several months’efforts,my level had greatly improved.i was interested in study and not afraid to take any exam.and i use th** method of study to other courses.finally,i had made outstanding achievements in the final graduation exam,and went to my ideal high school.
    for me,success means fulfilling one's dreams.whatever your dreams are,you h**e a goal there and then focus all your attention on it.dreams bring you hope and happiness.in the process of struggling for it,you cry,sweat,complain or even curse,but the joy of harvesting makes you forget all the pains and troubles you h**e gone through.so an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit ** one that has **ne the bitterest ordeal.
    there are several keys to success.first,your goal must be practical and practicable.if you set your goal too high,chances are that you will never attain it.next,you h**e to make a plan of doing it.you can take some steps to realize it.since the process ** quite tough,you need to be diligent,patient and persevering.even if you meet with some difficulties or frustrations,just take them in your stride.you can always tell yourself that there ** nothing insurmountable.with th** will and determination,success ** sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!




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