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    mid-autumn festival moon cakes are the traditional food,moon cakes are round,symbolizing the reunion,and reflects the people's aspiration for family reunion.mid-autumn festival moon cakes began in the yuan dynasty that time,the central plains the majority of the people unbearable cruelty of the yuan dynasty ruling class rule,one after another upr**ing against yuan.zhu yuanzhang united prepare various opposition forces upr**ing.liu bowen div**ion would come up with one trick,put the command under the possession of"15 nights in august upr**ing"pancake into possession of a piece of ** inside,and then sent separately sent to various parts of the military upr**ing,to **rm them at evening august 15 upr**ing the upr**ing of the day in response to various yijun together,
    the news of the emperor happy chuan quickly under the oral instructions,in the upcoming mid-autumn festival,so that all the officers and men of the public with music,and then ra**ed an army to the secret transm**sion of **rmation when the"moon cakes"since then,the"moon"the production of soph**ticated,varieties,such as the larger d**k,becoming jiapin gifts.after the custom of mid-autumn festival moon cakes in the civil spread to.some places also formed a special mid-autumn festival a lot of addition to the full moon,festival month,moon cakes,there are fire dragon dance in hong kong,anhui heap pagoda,canton mid-autumn trees,burning jinjiang tower aberdeen,xuzhou string look on shek wu and dai's worship,the hmong on the hop,dong moon of stealing food,the occasional ball gaoshan dance.engl**h spelling for:mooncake(moon cake).
    later,the emperor was finally put to overthrow the yuan dynasty and became the first emperor of the ming dynasty,although the subsequent occupation of the qing dynasty china,but people still celebrate th** symbol of the overthrow of alien domination holiday.翻译:中秋节吃月饼的传统食品,月饼是圆的,象征团聚,反映了人们的渴求家庭团聚。中秋节吃月饼始于元代的传说。当时,中原的广大人民不堪忍受残酷的统治阶级统治,元代**反抗元一个接一个。朱元璋联合准备各种反对派****。刘伯温师会想出了一个恶作剧,把命令在拥有“十五夜在八月**”拥有一张煎饼里面的纸,然后分开传送送到各部分的军事**,通知他们在八月十五日晚上**响应。南昌**的一天,在各种怡君一起,




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