最佳阵容免税店怎么开启 免税店有哪些装备

浙江中医药小茹 浙江中医药小茹
  • 宁凉泽林 宁凉泽林

    1.system admin**trator>concurrent>program>define
    注意:如果仅仅是"enable trace",收集到的sql trace并不包含binds and waits
    (checking the trace check box on the concurrent program gives an event 10046 level 8 trace.so even if the trace ** set for binds and waits on the subm**sion form once the concurrent program ** encountered in the trace it will reset to level 8 so no binds will be present in the trace after that point.)
    2.concurrent:allow debugging
    responsibility:system admin**trator
    query profile option:concurrent:allow debugging
    set profile to yes
    这个profile如果设置成yes,那么在运行concurrent request的时候,debug options项就变成enable状态(如果为no,那么debug options按钮为灰显)
    3.进入debug options
    勾选sql trace,并选择"sql trace with binds and waits
    4.找到对应的sql trace文件
    select name,value
    from v$parameter
    where name like \'user_dump_dest\';app server上,切换上边的路径,然后
    ls*concurrent request id*
    find trace file name
    run the following sql to find out the raw trace name and location for the concurrent program.the sql prompts the user for the request id
    accept request prompt \'please enter the concurrent request id for the appropriate concurrent program:\'
    column traceid format a8
    column tracename format a80
    column user_concurrent_program_name format a40
    column execname format a15
    column enable_trace format a12
    set lines 80
    set pages 22
    set head off




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