
尺言 尺言
  • 耶律阿保機器貓 耶律阿保機器貓

    come with me,girl
    i wanna take you to a place
    where it’s just you and me.
    to my cabin
    let me take you to my f**orite place
    just a five hour drive from the city
    just follow the road until it stops
    and then keep walking for another forty minutes
    then – out of nowhere.
    there it **
    my cabin!right now it’s icy cold
    but in six** hours,it’s gonna be hot!mmm,i’m gonna make you dinner,baby
    i hope you like.
    spaghetti!then we do the d**hes manually
    with over fif** different kinds of cutlery
    sixty square meters of he**en on earth
    a tiny wooden parad**e
    it’s my own private pinewood taj mahal
    except for the shape and the size
    the cabin!where i come to relax
    the cabin!wear the same pants for a week
    the cabin!i’ve got sk** on my walls
    in my cabin.
    one day th** place will be mine
    only split it with my brother,s**ter,father,uncle and h** lover!and if you like to p**s outside.
    th** ** definitely the place for you
    ‘cause i’ve been p**sin’over here
    and p**sin’over there
    one time i even p**sed over here!but you should never ever ** outside
    we h**e a small,separate cabin
    for that kind of stuff!we can hang stuff on the wall together
    as long as it’s copper
    or dead animals
    and who’s that man on the wall?dad?dad?** that you?who put my dad inside the wall?dad?don’t you worry
    i’m gonna get you out of here!aaah.
    it’s a picture!sixty square meters of he**en on earth
    a tiny wooden parad**e
    it’s my parad**e
    my own private pinewood taj mahal
    except for the shape and the size
    it has a shape,it has a size
    you should really come here some time
    come on,we’ve been married for ten years
    mmm.i m**s you so much
    and i don’t understand it
    now why don’t you come to my cabin!we can play some chinachess
    and take a long cold shower together!i got forty nine cards ready to be played with
    and a joker from another deck!impossible to spot!we can just walk and walk and walk and walk and walk
    you know there’s no such thing as bad weather
    only bed kleather
    when you come up to my ca-a-a-bi-i-i-i-n.
    my cabin.展开




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