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  • 猫柒i 猫柒i

    dinning room 和 dining room 的差别:
    1、dinning room 和 dining room都表示餐厅。2、dinning room更正式用法,dinning room相对非正式的饭厅,更偏向于可以闲聊的地方。拓展资料
    dinning room的用法
    1、when my hu**and was going into the dinning room th** morning,he dropped some coins on the floor.
    今天早上我丈夫走进饭厅时,把一些硬币掉在地上了。2、you can see many students and teachers in the dinning room.
    你可以看到许多老师和学生在餐厅(用餐)。3、good evening.we want a dinning room with two tables,each table for eight.
    晚上好,要一间有两张桌子,每张桌子可坐下8个人的包间。4、you can h**e your breakfast either in your room or at the dinning room.
    您可在房间吃,也可在餐厅吃。5、ladies and gentlemen,here we are in the rose dinning room.
    女士们、先生们,这就是餐玫瑰餐厅。dining room的用法
    1、th** ** our kitchen,sitting and dining room all rolled into one.
    这既是我们的厨房,又是客厅和餐厅。2、the floorboards in both th** room and the dining room h**e been stripped,sanded and sealed.
    这个房间和餐厅的木地板都已经被刮除涂层并进行了打磨上蜡。3、the dining room ** fin**hed in deep red
    餐厅装饰成了深红色。4、sausages,eggs,chips and baked beans are **ailable at suppertime in the dining room.
    餐厅晚饭时间提供香肠、鸡蛋、薯片和烘豆。5、for our dining room i h**e chosen ochre yellow walls.




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