雨中冒险神器怎么获得 全部神器获得方法一览


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    一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,60分)1.when a lady customer intends to buy a coat with white stripes,what ** she supposed to place an emphas** on if she says to the shop ass**tant?a.“i’d like a red coat with white stripes.”b.“i’d like a red coat with white stripes.”c.“i’d like a red coat with white stripes.”d.“i’d like a red coat with white stripes.”2.decide on the correct stress pattern of the answer to thequestion.一where did he go next?a.he turned to the left at the end of the street.b.he turned to the left at the end of the street.c.he turned to the left at the end of the street.d.he turned to the left at the end of the street.3.to the scient**ts’delight。their efforts h**e increased people’s_of the importance of s**ing water.a.awareness b.commitment c.agreement d.response 4.the word“chronology”contains_morphemes.a.fbur b.three c.two d.five 5.judging from her speeches and beh**iors,mary has a strict_.a.growth b.upbringing c.development d.cultivation 6._your valuable help,we couldn’t h**e fin**hed the experiment ahead of time.a.if it were not for b.had it not been for c.were it not for
    d.if it has not been for 7.it was with great joy_he knew that h** gmat score was 670,high enough to apply to a top university of business.a.when b.which c.what d.that 8.you can sleep on the couch in the lounge,_you call go to a hotel nearby.a.and b.then c.or d.but 9.in most circumstances,the assumption of cooperation ** 80 pervasive that it can be stated as a cooperative principle of conversation and elaborated in maxims below except_.a.manner maxim b.quality maxim c.quantity maxim d.agreement maxim 10.despite differences in conversational style.speakers arehelped by automatic patterns in daily interactions such as“hi”.“hi”.known as“_”.a.adjacency pairs b.preference structure c.d**preference structure d.insertion sequence 1 1.to d**tingu**h sounds,students are encouraged to practice_.a.minimal paim b.nasal explosion c.constant clusters d.incomplete explosion 12.which of the following assumptions about vocabulary learning contradicts the modern language teaching theories?a.the best way to learn words ** to use them.b.the best way to learn vocabulary ** to recite.c.an dictionary ** an important aid to students.d.learning a word involves learning than just the word itself.13.when a teacher intends to introduce a new grammar item,which of the following strategies can be used to get students to notice it?a.transformation.b.input enhancement.

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