
白喷熊 白喷熊
  • 枕云 枕云

    今日更新!我们将于今天晚些时候进行一次系统维护,更新将于维护后上线!准备好了吗?酋长们!supercell方面刚刚发布公告,《部落冲突》四月版本更新会在本周四下午(4月30日)推出,app store已经更新,新版版本号为v7.65,更新详细内容:
    在联机游戏中,现在您更容易搜索并匹配到与您大本营同级或相近的对手。更新了部落战匹配时的战斗力计算规则,弥补了高等级墙,英雄和骷髅陷阱等的分值。(在部落对战双倍经验活动时已上线)部落对战匹配会倾向于用更长的时间来搜索到实力更匹配的对手!部落冲突4.30更新说明 中英文版详细内容
    new anti-air defense:the air sweeper
    push back groups of flying enemies with strong blasts of air!air sweepers deal no damage,but are great at slowing the progress of air attacks
    air sweepers can only face one way,but can be rotated to a direction of your choosing
    unlocked at town hall 6,air sweepers gain pushing strength when upgraded
    clan bookmarks
    bookmark any clan for later viewing using the '+' icon on any clan profile page
    you can bookmark up to 30 clans and view them under a new tab next to your profile
    clan war attack army preview
    never attack unprepared again!your army ** now previewed before every war attack
    inspect your troops,clan troops,spells and heroes-anything m**sing will be flagged red
    be ready or be sorry!you can no longer end war attacks early without surrendering
    interface improvements
    starting at town hall 5,a one-time name change will become **ailable in the game settings-use it w**ely!clan chat now shows when clan settings are changed,indicating who changed them
    defense ranges can now be seen even when the defense ** under construction
    defense modes can now be changed even when the defense ** under construction
    defensive buildings now initially point away from the th in combat,except for the air sweeper,which always points in its configured direction
    gameplay improvements
    attacking troops will not start chasing defending troops as far away as they used to
    fixed a very rare case where a defense might target a troop at the edge of its range,but not fire
    loot values for many lower level single player maps h**e been improved,along with some slight layout tweaks and surpr**es
    matchmaking tweaks
    you are now likely to find targets at or near your town hall level in multiplayer matchmaking
    strength calculations h**e been updated in clan wars matchmaking to compensate for high level walls and heroes,skeleton traps,etc.
    (already released in the 2x clan xp event)clan wars matchmaking now prefers to wait a bit longer and try to find a bit better match




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