
刹那留影 刹那留影
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    in the 1860s,five men h**e been tracking a sixth across nevada for than two weeks.they shoot and wound him,but he gets away.they pursue,led by the dour carver,who will pay them each$1 a day once he's captured.the hunted ** gideon,resourceful,skilled with a knife.gideon's flight and carver's hunt require horses,water,and bullets.the course takes them past lone settlers,a wagon train,a rail crew,settlements,and an indian philosopher.what ** the reason for the hunt;what connects gideon and carver?what happened at seraphim falls?如果觉得上面这篇不好,再来看看下面这个剧情全攻略,不过不是很长:
    the film ** set after the end of the american civil war.gideon(pierce brosnan)** hiding in the american rockies,contemplating a fire.a shot pierces the silence and hits gideon,who ** then convulsed in pain and quickly runs away,followed by h** pursuers.soon the audience learns why:gideon ** a hunted man.colonel morsman carver(liam neeson),a confederate officer,has hired several mountain men to trap gideon so that carver can **enge a terrible wrong that he once committed.
    from the snowy peaks,the story descends into the s**annasfull of rapacious traders,vicious railway foremen and overly-welcoming m**sionariesand moves finally into the desert,where the two men challenge each other in the face of mother nature at her harshest,with surreal v**itations(from lou**e c.fair)to guide them to their final confrontation.




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