暗黑2召唤死灵极品装备 最好把英文名字也告诉我


  • 胡蘿卜姐 胡蘿卜姐

    the moment-toad the wet sprocket
    shame doesn't become you
    there are no m**takes in the final view
    no blame,how could it be so wrong
    that your heart was br**er than your will was strong
    for every path you follow there's another left behind
    every door you don't kick open there's a million to try
    and for everything you've taught me here's the one
    i've learned the best
    there ** nothing but the moment
    don't you waste it on regret
    i'll go,but who will you h**e to be
    will you just get by or get what you need
    just know that i don't need to fit in
    but ** there room for you in your life with him?for every path you follow there's another left behind
    every door you don't kick open there's a million to try
    and for everything you've taught me here's the one
    i've learned the best
    there ** nothing but the moment
    don't you waste it on regret
    it's out of my hands,out of my hands
    but i m**s my friend,i m**s my friend
    so th** ** the price of honesty
    but i'm not sorry
    for every path you follow there's another left behind
    every door you don't kick open there's a million to try
    and for everything you've taught me here's the one
    i've learned the best
    there ** nothing but the moment
    don't you waste it on regret
    the moment ** happening now
    the moment ** passing
    the moment ** happening now
    the moment ** passing

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