
387582 387582
  • 赵不祝 赵不祝

    真扣儿,一分都不给.搜狗里面有,自己去下吧。曲名:the hell song 歌手:sum 41
    art**t:sum 41
    title:the hell song
    everbody's got their problems,
    everybody says the samething to you.
    it's just a matter how you solve them,
    and knowing how to change the things you've been through.
    i feel i've come to realize,
    how fast life can be comprom**ed.
    step back to see what's going on,
    i can't believe th** happened to you.
    th** happened to you.
    it's just a problem that we're faced with,am i
    not the only one who hates to stand by.
    complications ended first in th** line
    with all these pictures running through my mind.
    knowing endless consequences,
    i feel so useless in th**.
    get back,step back and as for me,i can't believe.
    part of me won't agree cause i don't know if it's for sure.
    suddenly,suddenly i don't feel so insecure.
    part of me won't agree cause i don't know if it's for sure.
    suddenly,suddenly i don't feel so insecure anymore.
    everbody's got their problems,
    everybody says the samething to you.
    it's just a matter how you solve them,
    what ** always suppose to do?part of me won't agree cause i don't know if it's for sure.
    suddenly,suddenly i dont feel so insecure.
    part of me won't agree cause i don't know if it's for sure.
    suddenly,suddenly i dont feel so insecure anymore.
    why do things that matter the most
    never end up being what we chose
    now that i find no way so bad
    i don't think i knew what i had
    why do things that matter the most
    never end up being what we chose
    now that i find no way so bad
    i don't think i knew what i had

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    我是广东人 相信大家都知道骂架的时候肯定会带亲戚的 但是现在我骂架都是凤爪你个叉烧包 香蕉你个柠檬 干蒸你个烧卖你看这不文明多了 还可以知道我们特有的茶点




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