
yuyun0520 yuyun0520
  • 卫子 卫子

    puppet mary
    welcome to my world that's painted with sadness(欢迎来到某幅悲伤的画的世界)there's no light of sun there you can't hear any sound at all(这里没有阳光 听不见所有的声音)here i'm waiting silently for you,father(我在这默默的等你 爸爸)why you were so cruel to left poor mary alone?(你为什么这么残忍的留mary一人?lalala.please take me away,i desperately prom**e to be a good girl,to be worthy of your love(请带我走 我拼命承诺我会成为一个值得你爱的好女孩)i don't need the paint books,the dolls and the dresses,(我不需要图画书 娃娃和洋装)just tell me,why you've left your pictures and gone?(只要告诉我为何你留下你的画离去)lalala.who are you,stranger with a red rose in your hand(你是谁?手中握著红玫瑰的奇怪之人)i liked you from the first sight,i wanna be your friend,hey let's play(从第一眼看见就喜欢上你 我想成为你的朋友 我们来玩吧!i've never asked for th** place that's called my home,(我从不说这地方就是我的家)but hope,you will be staying with me until the end(希望你能留下来陪我到最后)lalala.




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