

逗逼麻麻 逗逼麻麻
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    我收到一封电子邮件,对方是我一个大学同学,我最后一次见他还得追溯到(几十年前)他那次**。当时我要求他罢手,他却粗鲁地告诉我少管闲事。他当时可是学校的“大名人”,而我则是个不善社交的无名之辈。如今,这家伙是纽约一家律师事务所的高级合伙人(毕业于耶鲁法学院,1968级),他邀请我共进午餐。在同学中,我最不想见的要数他了,不理睬他都显得我太客气了。不知有没有更富创意的招?senior fellow at world-famous think-tank,male,60s 某世界知名智库高级研究员,男,60多岁lucy's answer露西的回答the fact that you h**e kept your loathing of th** man burning steadily for 42 years ** no surpr**e to me:these student d**likes are oddly durable.i h**e faithfully desp**ed for decades a couple of people who were at university with me.these days i can't remember anything much about them – and certainly wouldn't recogn**e them if i bumped into them in the street – but i do remember they are forever hateful to me.你如此执着而又强烈地讨厌对方长达42年,我毫不奇怪:学生时代形成的厌恶感持续时间会出奇地长。我也曾几十年如一日地讨厌自己一些大学同学。到现在我也记不起他们多少事了(在街上不经意碰见对方,肯定都认不出来),但是我确实明白,自己对他们的厌恶会一直持续下去。although your d**like endures,you h**e changed a great deal in the intervening four decades – at least in one respect.while he has(annoyingly)been as successful as he always thought he would be,your relative position has improved beyond measure.as a senior fellow at a world-famous institution,you are h** equal now.that shift in perspective alone may cause you to view him differently;if he no longer looks down h** nose at you,you might find you no longer d**like him.虽说你的厌恶感挥之不去,但风风雨雨40年后,你也有了很大的改变—至少从一个方面可以看出。虽然他一直如他所愿地那样事业有成(这让人不爽),但你的相对地位也有了明显改善。你如今是一家全球知名机构的高级研究员,和他比起来毫不逊色。你看问题的角度发生了变化,仅此一点就会改变你对他的看法;如果他不再瞧不起你,你可能也会发现,自己不再那么讨厌他了。if i were you,i'd say yes to lunch.enjoy the fact that the former bmoc ** now cap in hand to the former lm**s(little man in social siberia).with a cool curiosity,i'd let him say h** piece and try to assess him d**passionately.换了我,会接受对方的午餐邀请。让过去的“名人”(bmoc)对当年的lm**s(社交场上的“小人物”)恭敬一番,何乐而不为!带着几分冷静、几分好奇去赴宴,我会让对方直抒胸意,然后不偏不倚地作出评判。if you decide he's as hateful as he always was,you h**e at your d**posal a particularly nasty tool of torture.over dessert(if top new york lawyers eat such a thing,which i doubt),you should obliquely refer to the cheating incident.don't confront him directly,as any halfway decent lawyer will be adept at wriggling off the hook.instead,find some way of gently dropping a hint to show you h**en't forgotten about it.he most certainly won't h**e forgotten either;and won't at all enjoy the feeling that h** lunch guest does not view him as a legal god,but pers**ts in seeing him as a nasty,sneaky cheat.(谈话中)如果你发现他还是一如既往地招人烦,你可以选择用一种特别龌龊的方式修理他。吃甜点的时候(如果说纽约的高级律师们吃这类东西的话—我对此表示怀疑),你可以委婉地点出他当年**那档子事。不要和他正面冲突,因为假正经的律师都是滑头,岔开不光彩的事都特别在行。相反,要设法旁敲侧击地暗示对方,你还记得当年的事。对方当然也是心知肚明,看到自己邀请的客人并未把他当成法律界的骄子,而是仍视他为当年那个**、道德龌龊的小人,这种感觉着实不爽。for your sake,i hope you do still d**like him.the alternative – that you come away thinking that he's a perfectly nice guy – would be a less sat**fying outcome.to nurse feelings so strong and for so long ** a serious commitment;almost an act of faith.to d**cover it was all for nothing could simply prove too d**orienting,th** late in the day.就你而言,我倒希望你仍然讨厌对方。换一种结果—你用完餐后觉得对方人相当不错—可让人不太舒服。要知道,如此长时间地保持着一份如此强烈的厌恶感,称得上一种严肃的承诺—差不多成了一种信念。倘若到头来发现这几十年是“白忙活”一番,心里肯定很是怅然,有点早知今日、何必当初的感觉。your advice局外人的建议appet**ing offer 不吃白不吃who would turn down an invitation for lunch in,presumably,a good restaurant in these harsh economic days?perhaps he wants to confess and say how much he appreciates your d**cretion at the time.hell,he might even offer you a top job at h** law firm.在眼下这种经济不景气的时候,有人请你去高档餐厅(估计应该是)用午餐,只有傻子才会拒绝!也许对方就是想忏悔一下,顺便好好感激一下你当初的好眼力。嘿嘿,说不定还会给你送上一份他律师事务所的美差呢。banker,57,male 银行家,57岁,男性cold shoulder 甭理他if he ** following up a 40-year-old cold trail,he must be in business siberia – presumably because by now h** ethics are well known to h** partners and clients.如果对方四十年来一直不思悔改,那他在生意场上肯定也是个孤家寡人(很可能是因为他如今的合伙人和客户都清楚他的道德老底了)。anon 匿名cheat the cheat 以牙还牙in grade school,if someone ** trying to cheat off your **,you put up a bunch of wrong answers,let him copy them,and change your answers at the last moment.do the same thing now:let him take you to lunch(at the best place you can wheedle out of him),and when asked for intelligence on things feed him m****rmation that will prove embarrassing for him.wait for the“you sob”e-mail with enjoyment.上小学时,要是有人想抄你的试卷,你就胡乱编一堆错误的答案让他抄,临交卷时再改过来。如今对付他也可以如法炮制:让他请你吃饭(找个你能让他答应的最好的地方),当对方征求你的高见时,编一套瞎话哄他,让他最终颜面扫尽。然后你就偷着乐吧,静等对方“骂娘的邮件”。male,anon 男性,匿名don't waste time 别浪费时间no reason to change your view just because he contacted you.no reason to waste your most precious asset – time.“thanks for thinking of me,but i'm going to pass.i hope things go well for you.”不能因为对方请你吃饭就改变自己的看法,也没有理由浪费你最宝贵的资产—你的时间。对他说:“谢谢你还想着我,但我去不了。祝你万事如意”。businessman,male,55 商人,男性,55岁memory loss 记忆丧失easy – just say you don't remember him and now live between the maldives and bahamas so couldn't possibly be bothered with lunch.then forget it.处理这事简单—就说你记不起他了,如今住在马尔代夫和巴哈马之间的某地,因此无法赏光赴宴。随后彻底忘掉这件事。anon匿名we've all been fools 大家都当过傻子face it:all of us were idiots back in our 20s.what a terrible fix we would be in if we were all frozen in time,and not allowed to improve as people as we age.k**s and make up,that ** my advice.life ** too short to carry grudges.直面此事:大家20多岁那阵子都不太明事理。要是大家都抓住过去那点事不放,只长年纪不长脑子,那我们都变成啥样子了?一笑泯恩仇吧—这是我的良言。人生苦短,何必那么计较呢?vp,male,51 副总裁,男性,51岁job done 目的已经达到了by giving so much detail in yourquestion,your goal ** accompl**hed.你的问题中提供了这么多的细节,你的目的已经达到了。treasurer,male,45 财务人员,男性,45岁a sinner can repent people change.one of my most decadent college cronies ** now a b**hop.lawyer,male,54 罪人现身说法忏悔,能让听者盘然醒悟,洗心革面。本人有位大学密友,当初颓废透顶,现如今都成了主教!eat h** lunch 律师,男性,54岁break bread with the crook.he wants something.you know he was,and probably still **,d**honest.so,get a free lunch and find out what he's up to.if you don't,he may well pop up even unpleasantly on your radar.吃他的去male,anon 让那骗子请你。他想达到某种目的。你知道他过去是个不诚实的人,或许现在还是。因此,去吃一顿免费午餐,弄清楚他究竟什么意思。男性,匿名译者/常和




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