
Darkness falls Darkness falls
  • 奇思月想 奇思月想

    what are words-chr** medina
    anywhere you are,i am near
    anywhere you go,i'll be there
    anytime you wh**per my name
    you'll see
    how every single prom**e i'll keep
    'cause what kind of guy would i be
    if i was to le**e
    when you need me most?what are words
    if you really don't mean them when you say them?what are words
    if they're only for good times,then they don't?when it's love
    yeah,you say them out loud
    those words,they never go away
    they live on,even when we're gone
    and i know an angel was sent
    just for me and i know i'm meant
    to be where i am
    and i'm gonna be
    standing right beside her tonight
    and i'm gonna be by your side
    i would never le**e
    when she needs me most
    what are words
    if you really don't mean them when you say them?what are words
    if they're only for good times,then they don't?when it's love
    yeah,you say them out loud
    those words,they never go away
    they live on,even when we're gone
    anywhere you are,i am near
    anywhere you go,i'll be there
    and i'm gonna be here
    forever every single prom**e i keep
    'cause what kind of guy would i be
    if i was to le**e
    when you need me most?i'm forever keeping my angel close




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