

睡觉打豆豆 睡觉打豆豆
  • BLUE ☁ BLUE ☁

    1楼 暗黑之门任务详细说明(alpha测试版含任务奖励)
    russell square
    find murmur
    find the fallen seraph
    tr**el to holborn station
    holborn station地铁站
    george->dawn of the zombies
    zombies killed in tottenham court road:0 of 10
    speak with george in holborn station
    任务说明:进入tottenham court road杀死10个zombies,返回地铁站同george交谈
    任务奖励:200 经验值->12 palladium->+100 声望
    joey->a leg up
    tr**el to tottenham court road
    find li'l joey's prosthetic
    return to holborn station
    speak with li'l joey
    任务说明:打掉tantorus,在怪身上掉落joey的断腿,返回同li'l joey交谈
    任务奖励:30 经验值->1 palladium->+100 声望
    (*)techsmith 101->break on through
    collect b capacitors
    return to techsmith 101
    任务说明:进入holborn access shafts,在怪身上会掉落 capacitor,收集后返回地铁站同techsmith 101交谈。任务奖励:400 经验值13 palladium+300 声望
    george>day of the zombies
    blood zombies killed in holborn access shafts:0 of 3
    speak with george in holborn station
    任务说明:进入holborn access shafts,杀掉3个blood zombies,返回同george交谈
    任务奖励:300 经验值>12 palladium>+100 声望
    wart>wart's secret
    fellbores killed in covent garden approach:0 of 12
    speak with wart in holborn station
    任务说明:进入covent garden approach,杀掉12个fellbores,返回同wart交谈。任务奖励:1000 经验值>+200 声望
    george>night of the zombies
    tr**el to covent garden approach and kill typhoid mary
    speak with george in holborn station
    任务说明:进入covent garden approach,杀掉typhoid mary,返回同george交谈。任务奖励:400 经验值13 palladium>+100 声望
    (*)murmur->a fine welcome
    tr**el to covent garden station
    speak with murmu
    speak with brandon lann
    任务说明:进入covent garden station地铁站
    任务奖励:800 经验值
    任务说明:进入covent garden station地铁站
    covent garden station地铁站
    anjuna旁边的一个黑色的设备->wanted:bag o' bones
    0 of 1 bag o' bones ear taken from bag o' bones in covent garden train depot
    speak with wanted in covent garden station
    任务说明:杀掉bag o' bones,从身上拾取bag o' bones ear,返回地铁站,交给anjuna旁边的一个黑色的设备。任务奖励:1350 经验值->35 palladium>+200 声望
    mac kenzie>strange brew
    0 of 4 blade husk claws taken from blade husks in upper kingsway sewers
    speak with mac kenzie in covent garden station
    任务说明:打blade husks,会掉落blade husk claws,收集4个后,往前走,进入另一个通道lower kingsway sewers,做some are bigger这个任务(杀死big ben),两个任务完成后返回地铁站。任务奖励:600 经验值>7 palladium->+200 声望
    steven patrick->some are bigger.
    tr**el to lower kingsway sewers and kill big ben
    speak with steven patrick in covent garden station
    任务说明:从地铁站进入upper kingsway sewers,再进入lower kingsway sewers,杀死big ben,返回同steven patrick交谈。任务奖励:480 经验值16 palladium+200 声望
    steven patrick>panic!r**agers killed in covent garden market:0 of 8
    任务说明:杀死8个r**agers,在市场里找到hellrift(地狱裂缝),进入做下一个任务。任务奖励:540 经验值5 palladium+200 声望
    brandon lann->hell' yard
    tr**el to covent garden market
    investigate the anomaly
    breach the hellrift
    find dr.fawkes
    return to brandon lann
    进入hellrift,打掉boss,跟dr.fawkes交谈后,返回地铁站同brandon lann交谈。brandon lann->test monkey
    tr**el to the brit**h museum
    breach the hellrift
    use the fawkes device
    任务说明:从bloom**ury通道进入,到大英博物馆,进入hellrift(地狱裂缝),打倒boss后,访问圆庭中间的柱子,进入倒计时,时间到会自动关闭地狱裂缝。博物馆里的emperor gulkar会复活,触发下一个任务。a truth spoken
    search the brit**h museum
    survive!exit the hellrit
    meet the sage
    speak with the sage
    tr**el to covent garden station
    return to brandon lann
    任务说明:在brit**h museum(大英博物馆)里杀死emperor gulkar这个怪后,同sage交谈后。返回地铁站同brandon lann交谈。任务奖励:540 经验值->5 palladium->+200 声望
    brandon lann->w**dom&chaos
    tr**el to charing cross station
    speak with lord arphaun
    任务说明:按顺序leicester square->st.martin's->charing cross approach->charing cross station




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