本人剑侠情缘3 小白。剑侠情缘3找人代练到80级,装备没有,任务没做,目前我该做什么?急急!!


赛兰 赛兰
  • 老天鹅 老天鹅

    展开全部《where the wind blows free ft.agentengram&duckett》这是歌词so why don’t you tell me where does the wind blow so free
    where does the sunshine so bright and clear
    so let’s go ride the wind because it’s just so free
    the sun burns brightly just for us just so full of life
    dash about dash away go lay out and chew hay
    dash about that’s the way lagos should spend every day
    jump and hop tw**t and binky shiver stomp feeling fr**ky
    shake your head enjoy yourself do it daily for your health
    oh i w**h i could see the end of the sky so far away
    i’d spread a set of colored wings and fly all of the day
    so let’s go ride the wind because it’s just so free
    the sun burns brightly just for us just so full of life
    dash about dash away go lay out and chew hay
    dash about that’s the way lagos should spend every day
    so come find me
    i’m in your soul
    the wind blows
    so follow the wind wherever it takes your heart
    you should go to and dare cause that’s the very best part
    enjoying life ** something you just cannot let pass on by
    if only my dreams were birds they’d all take into the sky
    so why don’t you tell me where does the wind blow so free
    where does the sunshine so bright and clear
    so let’s go ride the wind because it’s just so free
    the sun burns brightly just for us just so full of life
    so come find me
    i’m in your soul
    the wind blows

  • 剑侠情缘3试穿装备没人物

    提问时间:2024-05-03 10:02:10

    要么机子有问题 要么客户端有问题

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  • 剑侠情缘3安装不了

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    不要紧的,你的剑网三其实已经安装完成了,只是microsoft v**ual c++ 2008 red**tributable 安装失败了。给你一个下载地址。安...

  • 剑侠情缘3万花装备

    提问时间:2024-05-03 21:51:01

    不需要刻意去弄装备 你还是快点升80吧 到80后的装备才有意义 你现在做任务给的任务装比下本刷的装备要好 剑茗是yxzb出的 那是25人本 所以你暂时不用想那个...

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    提问时间:2024-05-03 17:21:39





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