求 《合金装备崛起:复仇》 boss背景音乐 《a stranger i remain》歌词?


裙带飘飘 裙带飘飘
  • 月野兔酱 月野兔酱

    【a stranger i remain】(maniac agenda mix)
    i've come here from nowhere,from the unforgiving sea.
    drifting further and further,it's all becoming clear to me.
    the violent winds are upon us and i can't sleep.
    internal temperature's r**ing,and the voices won't recede.
    i finally found what
    i was looking for
    a place where i can
    be without remorse
    because i am a stranger who
    has found an even stranger war
    i finally found what
    i was looking for
    here i come
    c-c-c-c come
    la chaleur me derange,ma** c'est le balancement du bateau qui ma reveille
    (the heat bothers me,but the rocking of the boat ** my wake)
    i sharpen the knife
    and look down upon the pain
    for all of my life
    a stranger i remain
    a stranger i remain
    a stranger i remain




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