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  • 说好的炸鸡块呢 说好的炸鸡块呢

    目前市面上流通病娇模拟器安卓版本,但这个手机版不是作者所开发的。这个病娇模拟器手机版是 tea&cake games 开发的,
    一位名叫筱白桑的吧友(这位吧友现任新吧yanderedev吧吧主)向作者发送以下文邮件 用来证实作者是否制作了这个app dear developer recently i found an app on android,which ** similar with yandresim,so we would like to make sure whether it’s your app or not.as you can see,i’m a chinese.days ago a rude citizen of our country’s left something unpleasant in the comment zone.we are sincerely sorry for h** nonsense beh**iour,and we hope that guy won’t affect our relationship.thanks for your development!we enjoy it a lot xd ps:i translated the mail for my friend(who ** sending you th** mail),and sorry for what has happened on your website.
    作者回信:yandere developer hello,i h**e not created any app on android.it worries me to see people copy yanderesim on android.i understand that people le**e rude comments sometimes.that's normal on the internet.thanks for enjoying yandere simulator.
    在作者博客也说明了这个游戏 是否会加入mac ios 等等的操作系统。阅读更多:https://zh.moegirl.org/index.php?title=%e7%97%85%e5%a8%87%e6%a8%a1%e6%8b%9f%e5%99%a8&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop
    本文引自**百科(https://zh.moegirl.org/),文字内容遵守【知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0】协议。




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