
冬日恋歌 冬日恋歌
  • 大王 大王

    一部电影的经典台词,这个也是仁者见仁 智者见智了,看的点不同,引发共鸣的台词也不一样,以下是我借鉴了网上的评论,仅供参考:
    一.fear ** the path to the dark side.fear leads to anger.anger leads to hate.hate leads to suffering.恐惧是通向黑暗之路,恐惧导致愤怒,愤怒引发仇恨,仇恨造成痛苦。二.do or do not.there ** no try.做还是不做,没有试试看。三.you can’t stop change any than you can stop the suns from setting.你阻止不了改变,就像你阻止不了太阳下山一样。四.may the force be with you.愿原力与你同在。五.your eyes can deceive you.don’t trust them.你的眼睛会欺骗你,别相信他们。六.the fear of loss ** a path to the dark side.对失去的恐惧是通向黑暗之路。七.your focus determines your reality.你的生活重心决定你的生活现状。八.there are some things far frightening than death.有些事远比死亡更可怕。九.in my experience,there ** no such thing as luck.根据我的经验,没有运气这种东西。十.i’ve got a bad feeling about th**.我有种不详的预感。十一.you will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.你会发现很多我们坚持的真理都取决于我们自己的世界观。




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