

中贝 中贝

    mgs3片尾曲“way to fall”中文译本(仅供参考)
    way to fall
    son,you\'ve got a way to fall 孩子,在你降落之后
    they\'ll tell you where to go 他们虽然不明白
    but they won\'t know 却会告诉你向哪里走</pre><pre>
    son,you\'d better take it all 孩子,你要牢记心头
    they\'ll tell you what they know 他们会把一切告诉你
    but they won\'t show 但是他们不会显露</pre><pre>
    oh,i\'ve got something in my throat oh,是我哽咽的咽喉
    i need to be alone 当我痛苦的时候
    while i suffer 我自己去承受</pre><pre>
    son,you\'ve got a way to kill 孩子,用你杀戮的手
    they\'re picking on you still 他们总会选中你
    but they don\'t know 但是他们并不知道</pre><pre>
    son,you\'d better wait to shine 孩子,在你辉煌的时候
    they\'ll tell you what ** yours 他们给了你一切
    but they\'ll take mine 却夺走我的所有</pre><pre>
    oh,i\'ve got something in my throat oh,是我哽咽的咽喉
    i need to be alone 当我痛苦的时候
    while i suffer 我自己去承受</pre><pre>
    oh,there\'s a hole inside my boat oh,心随漏船在游走
    i need to stay afloat 就这样随波逐流
    for the summer long 直到夏天结束后</pre><pre>
    (break)</pre><pre><font face=verdana></font>
    oh i\'ve got something in my throat oh,是我哽咽的咽喉<p></p></pre><pre>(left my sweet soul)(离开了我的灵魂)
    i need to be alone 当我痛苦的时候<p></p></pre><pre>(beneath the bedclothes)(隐藏在帐幕之后)
    while i suffer 我自己去承受<p></p></pre><pre>(i\'m not coming down)(我不会失去光彩)</pre><pre>
    oh there\'s a hole inside my boat oh,心随漏船在游走<p></p></pre><pre>(walls h**e ears)(纵然隔墙有耳)
    i need to stay afloat 就这样随波逐流<p></p></pre><pre>(but no one hears)(但当四周无人时)
    for the summer 直到夏天结束后<p></p></pre><pre>(when nobody\'s around)(没有人会听见)</pre><pre>
    son you\'d better wait to fall 孩子,在你降落之后
    they\'ll tell you where to go 他们虽然不明白
    but they won\'t know 却会告诉你向哪里走
    个人认为主题曲《snake eater》比较有感觉。




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